Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do you "sync" so?

So it's been a while now that I've been keeping myself busy with carving (or trying to), drawing, reading, cleaning, writing, playing games, working-out, "Couch Potatoing" over anything and everything I've downloaded and am downloading these days.

Anything that would seem productive is what I'm mainly targeting, and yes couch potatoing is productive in my dictionary.

One of my old habits was to make sure all my contacts, calendars, notes, and tasks are the same on my computers and my mobile devices. Which I lost track of after the great PC crash of March 2010 when all my contacts got vaporized into the abyss that Bill gates created.

Good thing I had an old back up lying around ... bad that I had the irresistible urge to synchronize it with the BlackBerry from work (which also has some business contacts and calendar entries of its own)

Organizing this at least in the midst of all the chaos in my mind would definitely give me a boost in the right direction, and an easy task that wouldn't take much time...OR SO I THOUGHT!

Imagine the following:

1.     The love child of a threesome between the Japanese "sonny boys" and an old German telegraph operator hag (a SonyEricsson mobile)

2.     Two American foes; one who likes driving you nuts by making windows that always get stuck, and an another who bakes the most amazing San Francisco brownies but only makes them in small batches and gives you small pieces to eat (PC -both home and work vs. Apple IPod Touch)

3.     A Canadian research nerd who thinks he knows a thing or two about fun and being hip (BlackBerry Mobile)

Now what if we told each of them to pronounce the same names, and remember the same dates and numbers?

Impossible it may seem, but believe me nothing is impossible, only ridiculously nerve racking, time consuming, and life shortening.

Through a new account on and my beloved Google (god bless them), I managed to sync my IPod to my pc and SonyEricsson, which was also synced to my Google contacts and calendar, and in turn downloaded an app for the blackberry to sync with Google. 

So now I hope everything is connected and at least if anything crashes or if life decides to throw another punch at me, I know that my circus data and devices are in tune.

Majed Bahiti
Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 08:40pm

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